Additional copies of these announcements are posted at Signs are posted at the entrances to campus alerting visitors to the presence of these cameras. This applies to students as well as members of the staff. Ramapo High School East Ramapo Central School District. Period 2 . (Dates do not include tryouts or playoffs): ___________________________________________________________________________, Fall Sports Winter SportsSpring Sports, Football Boys/Girls BasketballBaseball, Boys/Girls Cross Country Boys/Girls SoccerGolf, Girls TennisWrestlingSoftball, Girls VolleyballBoys/Girls Swimming, 1. This permit verifies that both the school and parents/guardians know their students location when not on campus. Our school offers Saturday School as an opportunity to recover unexcused absences (this cannot erase absences to participate in Its a Gas Program, any absence disqualifies students from the Its a Gas Program.). NOTE: The 24-hour number should not be used for purposes other than excusing absences. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. The athlete shall accept the responsibility for all athletic equipment issued and he/she will provide for its proper care, storage and return. . Most complaints are the result of a misunderstanding and can usually be resolved with a private meeting to discuss the problem. ASB The organization that sponsors all student clubs/groups and activities on our campus. They persevere and triumph over obstacles and celebrate their successes with their peers. 3. The valedictorian(s) are those in that category who have all A's in their academic courses, grades 9-12, and any student who earns a weighted GPA that is higher than the lowest GPA which satisfies the foregoing requirements. Peer Helpers are a group of students concerned about their peers. This experience will be supervised and conducted within the framework of our school system by specially trained and certified coaches who have a primary interest in the development of young people into successful and happy adults. 975 North Main Street, West Hartford, CT 06117. AVHS encourages all students to maintain their status as students in good standing. After School Detention- Detention may be held after school Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for 45 minutes in A-6. This is a high-powered law team that practices the defense and prosecution for various trial cases and then competes against other schools using their knowledge of law to assist them. Chromebooks are checked in and out through the library. Such deliveries will be held in the Attendance Office until the end of the school day. Saturday School - Saturday School is an on-campus study/work program to improve student behavior and attendance. 8:30 - 9:20 . * An annual survey of parents will be conducted at sites to assess needs, determine barriers, and evaluate the effectiveness of the parent involvement activities. People helping people and cultivating leadership are the primary objectives of this club. Bell Schedule With Advisory Period ; If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. Students can pick up the Request to see Counselor in the counseling office before school, at lunch, or after school. A-G:Upon entry into the first semester of the senior year have a senior schedule that solidifies the course requirements for successful A-G completion (success in grades 9-11 and a senior schedule that completes the requirements). Lack of transportation is NOT considered a valid reason to reschedule or fail to attend. We cannot accept any check made out to cash. The Honor Pledge is a statement that students are expected to write by hand and sign upon completion of examinations, papers, or other significant academic assignments. Bell/Class Schedules The following schedule of class periods, times, and lunch periods will be used on regular school days for the 2022-2023 school year. 2. This activity sticker will turn your required photo I.D. ~Social activities held on and off campus for our students. The citations will be handled by the Victorville Juvenile Traffic Courts. (g) As used in this chapter, an electronic act means the transmission of a communication, including, but not limited to, a message, text, sound, or image by means of an electronic device, including, but not limited to, a telephone, wireless telephone or other wireless communication device, computer, or pager. If a violation is determined, the student will be asked to remedy the violation by one of the following solutions: 1. Midland Valley High School. 3553 - Free and Reduced Price Meals). The staff at Apple Valley High School is here to help students receive the finest education possible, not to arbitrarily impose rules or discipline upon them. the State's student academic achievement standards. Academic Shields/Chevron/Eagle AwardsFundraisers, Activities DirectorHandbook for Students, Activities Master CalendarMaster Calendar Requests, ASB BookkeeperMarquee in Front of School, ASB Leadership ClassMojave River League, ASB StickersNoontime Activities, Athletic Awards and LettersOutdoor Bulletin Boards, Athletic Clearance CardsPictures-ID, Class and Senior, Athletic DirectorProm/Homecoming/Winter Formal, Booster Clubs (MUST Register with Activities office)Renaissance Program, Campus BeautificationSchool Alma Mater, Caps, Gowns, and AnnouncementsSchool Logos, CIF ProceduresSchool Spirit Items, Class RingsSr. Class Information Packet, Class and Club AdvisorsSports Information, Club Awards and LettersSports Officials, CoachesSport Schedules, Daily BulletinStadium/Gym Usage, Display and Trophy Cases in Main OfficeStats for Athletics, Directions to Other SchoolsStudent Store, Elections, ASB and ClassStudent Activities for Year, Grad NightSuggestion Boxes, Help with End of the Year EventsTickets to Graduation, Field Trips and FormsApproval of Flyers/Posters. - Students who are ill must check in with the health office to be excused for an illness from school. Students are expected to resolve their disputes without resorting to violence. Citations- Our school resource officer may issue citations for violations of California State Penal Codes, such as fighting and/or vandalism. H.O.S.A . College Planning Guide; Course apple valley school . Staff are expected to immediately intervene when they see a bullying incident occur. Wayne Valley High School; WV Bell and Rotation Schedules; WVHS Rotating Period/Bell Schedules. College representatives make scheduled visits to our campus to meet with our students, individually and in groups, during the school year. -. El Cajon Valley HS El Capitan HS Granite Hills HS Grossmont HS Helix Charter HS Idea Center High School Monte Vista HS Mount Miguel HS Santana HS Steele Canyon Charter HS Valhalla HS West Hills HS Grossmont Adult . The teacher is also expected to enforce the policy fairly and equitably to every student. 2. APPLE VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL will hold a flexible number of meetings at varying times and offer child care which will be paid for with Title funding as long as these services relate to parental involvement: . All visitors must also check out when leaving the campus. By way of school site advisory groups, School Site Council (SSC), English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), District School Liaison Team (DSLT 1 Parent Advisory) meetings when in program improvement status. ASB stickers are only $35.00 for the entire year. 2. The school will not assume any liability for damage, loss, or theft of any personal items brought on campus. Seniors will receive an invitation based on GPA criteria by the end of the 3rdquarter. Throughout the year, a student who is truant to school will be placed in the Saturday School. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. * the State's academic content standards. ~Building and maintaining the display and trophy cases in the main office. Any individual running for an office must have a 2.5 or better grade point average at the time of petition (or application) and maintain that throughout their tenure. You can sign up for reminders, changes, and cancellations for any of your student's activities and athletics. 4. For the student pursuing a career in the trades or technical fields, information is available on computer and in printed form regarding trade/technical schools, community colleges offering certificate programs, the military services and apprenticeship programs. However, this section does not prohibit use or possession by a pupil of his or her own prescription products. The parentis expected to assist in the practicing of the expectations of this policy by reviewing it with his or her student and encouraging the student to practice academic integrity throughout the student's experience at Apple Valley High School. If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document. This means that students are not permitted to be in unauthorized areas or to leave campus from the time they arrive on campus until they complete their last scheduled class. Hall 21-22 Bell Schedules. Amplified music using speakers, cell phones, or any other amplification device is not permitted. 4. Verification of parent/guardian signatures on off-grounds pass requests cannot be done without an emergency card on file; therefore, if an emergency card is not on file, an off grounds pass will not be issued. This includes over the counter medications. Under certain circumstances, a student who turns 18 years of age gains certain rights to access his/her school records. For Title IX information, a copy of the Procedures for Complaints and Resolutions, or assistance in filing a complaint, please call the above office. Items in violation of the Education Code are to be surrendered to the appropriate administrator. A students age is the determining factor in how many hours and how late he/she may work. Candidates for valedictorian and salutatorian must have completed six Advanced Placement courses. Students withoutacademic integrity do not truly learn; they establish habits that prove to be detrimental to the well-being of themselves, their peers, and the greater community. The mascot is an entertaining Sundevil who is at all of the games and pep assemblies. This includes refraining from rowdy behavior, making rude or derogatory remarks, or otherwise interfering with the rights of others. Upon entry into the first semester of the senior year have a senior schedule that solidifies the course requirements for successful A-G completion (success in grades 9-11 and a senior schedule that completes the requirements). 6. February 2023. Acts that are motivated by the victims race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or physical or mental disability. website: 48900.3 - In addition to the reasons specified in Sections 48900 and 48900.2, a pupil in any grade of 4 to 12, inclusive, may be suspended from school or recommended for expulsion if the superintendent or the principal of the school in which the pupil is enrolled determines that the pupil has caused, attempted to cause, threatened to cause, or participated in an act of, hate violence, as defined in subdivision (e) of Section 233. The athletic program at AVHS is designed to provide as many students as possible with a physically, emotionally and socially competitive experience. day of ticket sales in order to be permitted to purchase tickets or attend the event. Parents or guardians are requested to respond to such conferences. Infractions such as tardiness, unexcused absences, and violations of classroom and/or school expectations will result in the assignment of Demerits. Pursuant to California Education Code Section 35021, I declare under penalty of perjury that I am aware that persons required to register as a sex offender under the laws of the State of California are prohibited from volunteering in public schools. Print Student Name____________________________________________, Student Signature_____________________________________________Date__________________, Parent/Guardian______________________________________________Date___________________, AVHS Guidelines & Expectations for Academic Integrity 42, Announcements of general interest to the student body may be read over the public address system or by club advisors at the beginning of second period. 11th grade-Students who have 140 or less credits may be involuntarily transferred to HDPA. (B) Causing a reasonable pupil to experience a substantially detrimental effect on his or her physical or mental health. Calendar - Rosemount-Apple Valley-Eagan ISD 196 - District 196 Attendance - Simi Valley High School School administrators and teachers will present information to SSC, ELAC, and Parent Teacher Association (PTA/Booster) and other parent support groups to assist parents in understanding the standards their children must meet and how their children's progress will be judged. Let us help you DISCOVER YOUR FUTURE. Students found guilty of forging signatures, altering absence slips or notes, or making or participating in making unauthorized telephone calls to excuse absences will be subject to disciplinary action. The Uniform complaint Procedures shall also be used when addressing complaints alleging failure to comply with state and/or federal laws in: O Adult Education 0.
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