But what I was trying to say was that I was getting disturbed by not only the minimization of white people in advertising but also the (excuse my language) pussification of the masculine American male, but grown men and boys. Thanks again! It is pretty pathetic. (Facebook Advertising) 10. And if it is repartitions for the past where 100% of posters were white, remember as recently as the 1980s this country was 82%+ white. Thought it was just me till I saw these posts, I noticed it also after the divider Obama was in charge, think he still is, I dont buy any of the crap they advertise. But to look at these commercials youd think that 90% of the country was black and theyre only casting commercials to reflect the demographics. In the meantime, theyre all probably laughing themselves silly watching race-obsessed white people trip all over themselves to make commercials that make white people feel less guilty about being white. I could not agree more with what you have written. Yes, changing channels and closing out of online ads are two ways of telling advertisers their ads dont interest you. Television is a tool used to brainwash people to believe that certain races of people are superior to others. Super Bowl commercials will be viewed with an especially critical eye on Sunday as a tangible indication of how the ad world has responded to the calls to fix . I guess if you can have fake news why not fake commercials. You should have a problem. I came from a very poor background and when I was applying for college there were grants for every demographic under the Sun save for straight white males. . If I were to judge America from its advertising I would believe 90% of its population was black, and that white females could only be in relationships with black males and white males dont exist. And I see it clear as day and constantly find myself defending straight White men. For example, hire a woman to communicate about womens issues. Pierce Brosnan is not the same physical type as Connery. And the BIGGER and OLDER the ORGANIZATION, the MORE EXTREME their wants. And in print ads, commercials, etc. More and more people are becoming convinced that all of the things you mentioned are part of a globalist agenda to weaken Western nations and allow organizations such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the World Health Organization to gain power and control. Hispanics and Latinos are seeing themselves represented very little in advertising, which probably has them feeling pretty slighted given that they account for nearly 20 percent of the population and their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. Apparently, these days there is "a lot of fuss over gaming "forcing diversity" and people getting upset that a character is gay, trans, etc." In a viral Twitter thread, self-described "straight white dude" gamer FightinCowboy decided to explain why this fuss is unjustified and give his opinion on why diversity in gaming is important. Start by consulting diverse communities through surveys, advisory or focus groups to understand their concerns or perspectives on a given topic. Get your image and reputation back in the positive and continue with a wide open market. Cameron Conaway, Solace, 6. sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? Hollywood has always loved the exoticso casting a Scottish actor as an Anglo-Saxon Englishmanthat was their kind of shtick. not what we are seeing on TV. Yes, societys current obsession with grrl power and myriad forms of gender bending is on full display in todays advertising. Right after I said this the girls mom loudly said black lives matter, I kid you not. If you get a chance, tell them what you think on social media, too . While I agree with most of the above comments, I feel the old mantra comes to mind follow the money.. In a televised production of The Nutcracker a few years ago, we saw wealthy 19th Russian couples at a ball in St. Petersburg who were interracial. The worst part, however, is that the vast majority of the sleeping populace goes right along with it, happily complying with the activists demands and parroting the inclusive propaganda. That platform is nearly as bad as Facebook in its censorship of free speech. Together, the masculine and feminine complement one another in ways that only nature could have devised. When an ad appears to be pushing an agenda harder than it works to sell a product or service, then its no longer advertising its propaganda. I think it is multifactorial but I see globalist propaganda as the main force. Sadly I feel like the shooting in Buffalo is just the beginning. Everything is everybodys fault except for theirs ask all the black prisoners in prison! And it goes beyond just media. Yes, I agree with the earlier poster in commending you on your courage. Even a black president did not expiate the sin. But, neither are other labels in society. Everyone knows that representation is important. Appreciate your thoughts, Robert. Statistically this means that the child is more likely to struggle with identity, self confidence, material and financial stability and even a higher paying income. Communications, PR, public affairs & media relations executives from Forbes Communications Council share firsthand insights. This is mostly what the alien sees on tv, so it must be true. If you want to know the truth about how the vast majority of blacks socially interact simply watch 5-10 episodes of The First 48. I CANT STAND IT! . By that time (late 2021), the overrepresentation of blacks in advertising had reached absurd proportions, becoming blatantly and bewilderingly obvious to any fair-minded person who was paying attention. For example, slavery was widely practiced by American Indians in the Northwest and Eastern woodlands of the United States. Yes embarrassingand since you say this Im guessing you are black. And theyre shown eating burgers, guzzling beer, and lying on the couch with a remote when theyre not robbing houses. And most of it is due to the monolithic multinational corporations and their greed for two synonymous and interchangeable terms money and power. They are proud of this daring but appropriate decision. They dont and they shouldnt. Sadly, its just one more example of advertising professionals being crap at their jobs, as half-hearted efforts like this fail miserably to engage or connect people or pass the smell test with anyone. Why is the white guy always the buffoon and the Hispanics (if they appear) always the low-level employee showing the rich black executive to her car? All rights reserved. CBS has publicly stated that its reality shows will feature 50% non-white participants. But you'd have to be Stevie Wonder not to see the forced diversity in today's TV commercials. In some cases, these cookies involve the processing of your personal data. Thing is, in the Chevrolet commercial, Mr. and Mrs. Lopez look and sound no more Hispanic than Joe Biden. Frankly I have NO idea what to do about this, EXCEPT ALERT THE MEDIA so those folk DONATING to these organizations WILL NOT HAVE MILLIONS of $$ and in some cases (BLM) 100s of MILLIONS. Believe it or not, the United States of America is one of the *least* racist countries on the face of the earth. Dr E Michael Jones has written extensively about this group of people in his book The Jewish revolutionary spirit. The attack on boys and men is so easy to see. Lets face it, were in a culture war and race is its beating heart. But unfortunately, Big Tech doesnt want us to. White boys dont want anything to do with these girls. I just finished a rather long article about the Frankford School and their agendas. Just an example of how insane these people arelast summer when I took my son to the playground, he went down a slide right after a black girl went down before she got to the bottom. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising . Every soldier, police officer and fireman knows this. They call out white privilege for those who have higher Motivational Values. Inclusion comes naturally when your company lives it. He also often had female villainsthe worst thing as a villain in a Disney film was the evil mother. I often find myself questioning if the black people watching these commercials would really use this product or service. how wonderful, right? I appreciate you widening the discussion to include the very real and destructive impacts on families and societies. Not sure how its Obamas doing but whatever. Seeing the proliferation of the kind of diversity representation ads were talking about here really bugs me. Your example is awfully specific. And I have nothing against her. The BLM movement really made an impact on the American psyche. The reason more white people dont speak up about issues like these is because they fear they will be labeled a racist!! Forgive me if I digress or ramble on, I think about the future of marketing and branding often and care deeply for the future of our society and culture. And it all just aint about a disproportionate amount of blacks in commercials. I live in Canada and its the exact same thing here as well, 73% of the population is white yet nearly all our advertising features mixed-race couples predominantly with a white female and black or now sometimes Indian spouse, and mixed children, but it gets worse. And dont get me wrong. They are governors or lieutenant governors. I was offered one audition to play the stupid, out of shape, sweating know-nothing white male being berated by his wife while trying to buy a mattress. But lets not forget that historically, advertising has always (over) cast good-looking and idealized people. They have the executives believing unless you show 70%+ minorities you are racist. One pet gripe that I have is seeing non-whites portray white people (for reasons of inclusion) in plays and films. The other 9% are asian and hispanic interracial marriages. His point was that typically black people arent into stuff like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing..those kinds of pursuits. Once Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt have made their exits, I can almost promise you White male representation as the main leads will be over forever. And I dare say that all but one or two comments have been from people who agree with the premise of the post boiled down simply, that blacks are conspicuously overrepresented in U.S. television commercials at the expense of other racial groups, and that todays advertisers are duplicitous asshats whose anti-white and anti-white male agendas are driven by propaganda either their own programming, or a desire to program others. And I have lots of hypotheses on why but have yet to finalize my theory. So much truth here, especially in the fact that so many political, social, and religious agendas and conventional wisdom are driven by big-money corporations (Pfizer, anyone?). We wire-hanger-bodied, pasty, straight-haired girls need to get dressed, too. What most on this blog are discussing is why for-profit companies believe they should misrepresent their target customers. 5. Spot on Cranky! Race as a tie breaker. I am so sick of seeing this. But I am still trying to work in my mind why advertisers, particularly the advertising companies, are such willing participants (I understand why certain multinational corporations are pushing these agendas). This has been decades in the making, and has been very subtle and well planned. Thanks for your comment! Ill remind myself you said that the next time Facebook refuses to let me advertise this post due to what they have deemed inflammatory content.. This is classic social engineering via Madison Ave. Should we start shutting down and burning down communities to highlight this fact? You have it made! Not cancel culture. But I think its gonna work as badly as forced school bussing did in the 60s and 70s. are there no non-black actors applying for a paying gig to be in Gain commercials? Hoping all this social engineering crap, which people like I associate with can see right through, backfires on all these idiots. Mostly white men. Blacks are slowly and methodically destroying this country theyve already poisoned the minds of all of our kids. and many references to the over-representation of Black actors in advertising (which I have noticed), but neither you nor anyone who has commented has given the percentage of commercials employing black actors. Thank you, Jo! Im actually socially liberal in many respects but I do have an issue with the Uber-woke accusing anyone who does not align 100% with their worldview as being an -ist or a -phobe, and marginalizing whites. And lets be succinct here- it isnt the northern border that is the problem. Unfortunately African Americans in the inner cities are at a great disadvantage to develop positive Motivational Values for at least three reasons. Its not about having the income to buy these nice things, but are these actually reflecting the priorities and choices of black Americans? I think the word to go warpspeed on this issue was given about five years ago, with a major increase 28 months ago. They see friends and relatives dropping dead from the Jonestown jab and wonder why. Same could be said about Trump supporters or super Libs or gays or > insert whatever group. Because it's the new hotness, advertising firms are gonna go hard on it for a while. While theres no doubt that society is becoming more diverse, you have to admit that something feels off here. Is it just me, or is the world falling apart? First they went after the church, then it was the nuclear family and now it is men in general- all to be replaced by the State according to the edicts of the long march through our institutions begun by the Frankfurt School. One of the things that concerns me most about this topic is how many brainwashed people are so eager to dismiss us the people who dare to speak out about the ridiculous mishandling of representation in advertising, entertainment, etc. This is their method of dividing and conquering the lower classes of society as they see us. Its ridiculous and feels like retribution at this point, rather than wanting things to be equal. Of course, when I searched with Google for this, nothing would show up. If WOKE commercials have transformed America and raised all races and creeds up to be economically and culturally equal, I am THRILLED. Industry Perspectives on the Transition to a Multi-currency TV Market, Trends in Agency Compensation, 18th Edition, A Diversity Report for the Advertising/Marketing Industry (2022), There is a tremendous value in being part of the ANAs strong network of brands The Ask service validated the research that my team had already done [and] saved us time. You make some good points, Don. I closed it down soon after I closed down my business. Whatever the reason for it, white males are the bungling idiots of the ad world, just as theyve been for years and will continue to be for as long as the culture deems them toxic. Can I interest you in a Jeremys razor? There are a number of outfits I will not have anything to do with if I can avoid them Coca Cola, Nike, the NBA and NFL, to name just a few. But even worse is what went on before, during, and after the three matches Serena Williams played. . Youre right, Richey, theres definitely a feeling of fatigue setting in, and not just among whites. And. Feminized males are in. Slavery is the original sin of Americans founding, and we are paying for it over and over again, from the Civil War to affirmative action and now to the over-representation of blacks in TV and print ads. But what seemed like overnight the pendulum over swung. The overall ethnic skew of the marketing/advertising industry is now 32.3 percent diverse, up from 30.8 percent a year ago. Not only that, but I see very few women who look like me. I doubt either are accurate. Sadly, this is happening not just in advertising, but everywhere. I am a 30 year old White woman and its changed so much over the past 15 years. A specific mandate for the Society and Sustainability working group is to achieve equal representation in the media and creative supply chain. These cookies are required for basic site functionality and are therefore always enabled. Alas, these are not sane times. And that, right now, is one of the biggest reasons the world is such a hot mess right now. As with everything millennial, there is a gross lack of maturity, knowledge and understanding when it comes to the real, living 3D world. Why hasnt someone filled a class action lawsuit against these high-tech giants for censorship?? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle (no picture! Most nights I could barely stand five minutes before pulling the plug. I am happy with my life. Powerful words, Will. When an ad looks that unrealistic, you can be sure I wont believe anything else it has to say, either. Some say they. And sorry, they were NOT rich white guys. Just sick of all the whining. (Am I allowed to notice this or will I be labeled as racist?). its almost exclusively black man and white or Asian woman. When I say normal, I dont mean this in a derogatory way but normal as in real life normal. In fact, you hardly see boys at all in commercials now. I cannot stand the commercials and do feel insulted by it. Toxic masculinity is out. Hi, James! Thats right we cant. Thanks for reading and taking the time to share your experiences and examples. For example, how often do you see a father and son interacting in a commercial. I am completely disappointed over everything happening. It seems the same to me as a pregnant male having a baby. In answer to your question, its both. Only virtue-signaling organizations do.). Men, know that most women do not like this, especially Christian women. These trends in media and advertising grieve me deeply for 2 reasons. I call these internalized values the Five Es and they are presented here: 1. (Quick experiment: Do a Google image search for white family and black family and see what you get.). The reason why you see white girls with black babies is because they pay blacks to get them then pay them every month til the child is 18. Just as we did in 2018, 2019, and 2020, three ANA studies help provide an understanding of diversity at ANA member companies: This work is an important initiative for the Society and Sustainability priority of the ANA Growth Agenda, which provides a compass for the industry to leverage marketing as a sustainable growth driver. Nope, youre all wet, Anon. Does that represent the true numbers of passengers or the target for airline passengers? Its all getting lame and predictable. Everything is going crazy, and much like in astrophysics, whenever you think you have everything figured out, 50 new questions come up. They are grooming young minds. All men are demeaned in commercials and have been for a long time but especially Black men lately. This country is not what the Founding Fathers envisioned. Explore ANA products, services, and unique marketing insights by your area of interest. I was never this way before but Im tired of turning on my TV or streaming service and wondering if Im watching a channel from Nigeria. I wonder if I should write to the ad agencies. I believe it, Janet. The sheer number of black people in TV commercials is already highly suspect, but the equation becomes even more lopsided when you consider that they are almost universally portrayed as clever, sensible professionals and leaders who hold positions of power over whites and characters of other races. Im glad you found some catharsis in this blog post and in the reader comments. Boy.. America lost its spine. It MIGHT be saying, instead, that there is no way any one is taking a chance to piss off a black Karen who thinks the buffoon or clueless black person is a form of a micro-aggression, or subtle racism, or some baloney like that! The moment I see one, I immediately switch to a different channel. It would be like running ads that showed aging college professors using your outdoor gear because theyre under represented and, you know, there are analytics that show they are 1.3% of the buying group. as when car company Acura was forced to apologize in 2012 after putting out a casting call for a Super Bowl ad featuring a Black . The focus is all about diversity and political correctness instead of just making a great product. Answer: An example would be a school district forcing kids to stop going to their closest local public school and being bussed half an hour or more to a lesser quality school in a bad neighborhood, all for the sake of trying to make the student population in their schools more diverse. It is so rare to see a white person in commercials, but if we do, get this theyre actually belittled. Here in the East of England in the county of Norfolk I hardly come across any mixed race couples in my town. The intended audience is upper middle class white suburbanites who feel guilty about being upper middle class white suburbanites. Have you also noticed that the majority of the commercials now have rap and hip hop in the background and are portraying things towards kids like the Kool-Aid guy wearing a gold chain and doing rap or hip hop? I cry for the state of America these days because as previously posted, I date back to much better days. 10% of the population in Middle Eastern countries are Christian. I guess this is what makes me mad it feels disrespectful, not just of folks of color, but also of my intelligence. I am a pasty white Irish girl with blonde hair and blue eyes and I rarely see a woman who looks like me in any ad today and thats not because theyre all black, its because theyre all just not white. However, when the nature of this representation in no way reflects society at large, its only reasonable to assume that an agenda is being pushed. Thats perfectly normal! 5. Make An Ongoing Commitment To Diversity, While shopping with my 13-year-old, she told me that her friends will shun brands that rainbow wash their message during Pride Month. And if many people still choose not to intermarry, so be it. There are certain areas of Norwich which have pockets of concentrated areas of Eastern European people and pockets of concentrated Asian and Indian communities who mostly work for and live near an NHS hospital and some who drive taxies, so unless I need to see a doctor or hire a taxi I dont usually come into contact with anyone other than a regular white UK person. But do you hear about it, unless the white person is a mass shooter? Then speak clearly to that audience and deliver faithfully on brand promise. Oh, I forgot about the talking Rice Krispie Treat giving the boy in ballet tights a pep talk. An industry filled with media creators so oblivious to human psychology and so far up their own pretentious asses, most couldnt portray a believable version of reality if their clients corporate profit-sharing plans depended on it. What? What turned me to GOP? That is the most frustrating part for audiences and movie studios alike. It exploits social-justice politics and transforms it into social-justice consumerism and ultimately, investor profit. Black men have already taken over game shows; I started noticing that but it didnt bother me too much because I could tune out if I didnt like it. The stunning lack of diversity in the advertising industry goes back decades and those in power have done little to change it. Take care of me and keep us, as Leo Terrell (a black man) says, on the democratic plantation. Read Fahrenheit 454 and get a prophetic view of this, complete with prophesies of cancel culture and disinformation control, as well as the complete dumbing down of the population the parlor room entertainment wall i.e., TV shows of complete idiocy. Diversity in TV advertising has improved in the ensuing years. The suspect is on the loose and must be found, but if its a black man, they wont mention the race . The constant agitation created by brands, ad agencies and politicians and social-media crybabies and on and on and on is stressing people out, playing on anxieties, and ultimately, forming divisions among people and cracks in the culture. Suddenly the woke corporations have dropped whites and replaced them with black America acting like white America. Thank you! Its been part of this country for 200 years even Lincoln first proposed sending blacks back across the water but decided not to because it was going to be too expensive. The only thing I can guess is advertisers are trying to social engineer society. Hey, Im all for fairness and equity, but youre right this is out of control. Where are the Hispanics? Usually any family consists of a black male, white female and a variety of ethnic children. Its not just every commercial break; its nearly every commercial now where white people are put in secondary or subordinate roles, white men are made out to be idiots and buffoons, and black people are universally portrayed as the smart, sensible, successful role models everyone else looks up to. I just want, as Tool says in Aenima, Mom to come and put everything back together again. But one analysis that does spring to mind is this thread on Reddit in which the topic creator recorded the race of all 433 actors in Super Bowl 2022 commercials and compared the percentages to the actual U.S. population. Good response posts too. I was thinking about doing the same thing its definitely a lot easier than setting an email to each individual company that portrays blacks and commercials being Superior over white guys are made to look like total buffoons and inferior to blacks. Im a white senior male and a retired electrical engineer. This is an expansion on the magic negro trope. 5% are other religions. And WHY NOT a cat? Being Educated as much as possible. 3. I am sad that white people are not represented in TV commercials. It should be pretty easy to find bad reviews for companies whove broken their promises. No masculine role models or father/son interaction in commercials. In reality the actual investors have no clue how their portfolios are being used. As others have pointed out, its actually exacerbating racism. We will never be rid of it. (Thats why he founded Jeremys Razors as an alternative to Harrys when that company pulled its advertising from The Daily Wire after a social media influencer with two followers complained about an on-air discussion about gender dysphoria.) Some want to throw back the hands of time and bring back the old days. Thats why Im voting for the D. Thats the political mentality of so many of us. Its a phenomenon known as white replacement or white erasure, and those who champion it are the very same ones who would ridicule and call racists those who point it out. For now, the only thing equitable about all this is how equally insulting it is to everyone. But now we have this transgendering mushroom cloud appearing. There WAS a time in the US when blacks and whites dressed the same, enjoyed much of the same music, went to the same civic celebrations, etc. With respect to simple gender, 90%+ of print and television ads for gyms and exercise equipment feature women. And I am CONVINCED this is due to SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS and PACs and ACTIVISTS. The reason blacks are overrepresented is because they are very vocal with their complaints. Its called brainwashing. They need to work with the police and clean up their own communities. Do the stories you read there measure up to the advertising portrayal? Maile Keone, Listen Technologies Corporation, Using diversity as a strategy to sell more or to better appeal to your audience is exploitation and appropriation. Even against Mr. Fuckerberg, who, at the very least, deserves an Atomic Wedgie the likes of which he hasnt seen since high school. I get it, friend. This just divides the people. Forced diversity. The irony is most young suburbanites who care about the issue choose streaming services to avoid or skip the ads anyway. As an aside, Im not sure why the above article suggests that blacks shouldnt be depicted in commercials doing white things, that they should be depicted doing black things. Not sure what the solution is. I was not brought up like that. So true in todays canceled culture world..maybe lets cancel the commercials too. Who is committing the crime currently?.. A breath of fresh air. Yet, pay attention to major retailers. Art to be good, has to reflect truth in nature and if doesnt, then it is propaganda. are flooded with open borders watering down the natives. Its the ad agencies and the companies they represent that infuriate me, not any demographic of Americans. Yall bitching cause Cheerios shows a black man with a dumb white wife and a Chinese kid? Right you are again, Robert. I have just about quit watching network television. Almost an Agenda. Yours is a perfect example of how the current push for forced diversity is having real, negative consequences on people, on industries, and on the culture. 100% agree with your perspective. I wont even try to mask my disdain for Nissans horrible Hollywood sales event ads, although I would like to lampoon them with scenes from 1963s Charade. Companies purporting to care about progressive values are really doing nothing more than striking a superficial pose meant to signal virtue while distracting from any companys true motive: financial gain for shareholders.. And why would I? Excellent points. I feel advertising should be proportionate with the population. Being Ethical. These are proven statistics. Far from it. Is this social engineering or some type of reparations for past indiscretions? There is no hard and fast rule for diversity. If only the other 95 percent of the U.S. population would do the same. If you forced an alien to consume a years worth of American media, he would come to the conclusion that the country is about 40% black or mulatto, 25% Jewish, 25% gentile white, and 10% other (hispanic, asian, native american).
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