Learn more about date smart values. I would like to use this in a reminder email, that is sent to two people, using as source two different people fields. {{rule.name}} - Returns the name of the rule that is currently running. After testing, disable both the HTTP dump and access logs to avoid performance issues. You can also trigger rules to run from third party services like Bitbucket or GitHub. {{version.archived}} - Returnstrue if the version is archived, andfalse if not. I created an automation that created a value in a short text field. when setting multiple Fix Versions) then you can iterate over these using the{{#changelog.fixVersion}}{{toString}}{{/changelog.fixVersion}}expression. [Custom Field].id}} - Returns the unique id for the field assigned by Jira. All of the issues found by the trigger are then treated as a single bundle of issues. Smart values allow you to access issue data within Jira. See all smart values that can access and manipulate text fields, such as issue summary or comments. That looks a little odd. {{comment.author}} - Returns the ID of comment's author. {{issue.created}} - Returns the issue's creation date. Jira smart values - JSON functions See all smart values that take issue fields and convert them into JSON format. Advanced automation in Jira Service Desk - TMC Application Lifecycle Automation for Jira has a trigger that reads incoming webhooks, both in on-premises and cloud intances. Create an issue and update the Insight custom field with the object that have User attribute updated with portal only customer , and also add the portal only customer as reporter. :{{issue.properties.some.value}}. After a lot of searches, I found the answer on: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-questions/Store-Active-Sprint-in-New-Field-Using-Jira-Automation-Script/qaq-p/1695408. {{attachment.author.timeZone}}: Returns the timezone the user is registered being in; this doesn't change dynamically based upon where the user logs in from, it is the timeZone registered in their user account. https://bitbucket.org/account/repo/TEST-123-some-feature. I've not been able to find such kind of information. All of the issues found by the trigger are then treated as a single bundle of issues. {{flags.name}} returns the name of the feature flag. The issue smart values are used to access information related to the rules active issue, which is the issue the rule is currently acting on. See all smart values that are used to insert and format numerical values using math expressions. Properties are frequently used by add-ons and integrations to store values. Learn more about date and time smart values. Create and configure Jira automation rules, Branch automation rules to perform actions on related issues, Issue data (Automation format) payload for Send Web Request, Issue data (Jira format) payload for Send Web Request action, Limitations in team-managed projects for automation rules, Permissions required for Jira Cloud automation rules, Test a Jira automation rule using the Manual trigger, Transfer Jira automation rules from one user to another, Differences between Automation in Jira Server and Jira Cloud, Use Jira automation rules to modify issues, Convert wiki markup to HTML or plain text in Jira automation, Move an issue to another project using automation, Automation for Jira documentation for Jira Server. Best practices for optimizing automation rules, View performance insights for automation rules, Connect your automation rule to another tool. Thanks for sharing the link back in this question, it might help others in future! for a select field. Working with incoming webhook data in Automation for Jira Learn more about working with related issues. They allow you to automate tasks and make changes within your site. This smart value accesses the changelog, and a list of changes for each field. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type. Learn how to use automation in Confluence Cloud, and see what components and variables you can use to build rules. {{issue.parent.epic.summary}} - Returns the summary of the parent issue's epic. Looking forward to see it implemented soon! Select the Issue fields condition from the New condition drop-down menu. {{issue.status}} - Returns the issue's status, {{issue.status.name}} - Returns the issue's status, {{issue.summary}} - Returns the issue's summary, {{issue.versions}} - Returns the issue'sAffects versions. These smart values can only be accessed through other root keys (e.g. The rule is running too quickly after the issue is created. issue The active issue. See all smart values related to accessing Jira project details. If you're not using a Sprint Trigger, I don't believe it's possible to locate the active Sprint via smart values. You can set triggers to run on a schedule or as needed. This re-fetches the latest state of the issue from Jira. This applies to the legacy Insight app. Learn more about date smart values. At the same time, it would be to good to mention that it is Jira-cloud functionality only. Learn more about list smart values. If it has a time you may need to strip off the time part for the comparison by changing the format: {{triggerIssue.customfield_10043.jqlDate}}. {{deletedFieldChanged.fieldId}} - Returns the fieldId of the field that has changed due to deletion of a value. Jira automation - Data Center and Server (Latest), Examples of using smart values with dates, Examples of using smart values with lists, Examples of using math expression smart values, Examples of using smart values with text strings. We use the following smart-value to sum up story points from all sub-tasks: {{issue.subtasks.Story Points.sum}}. Platform Notice: Cloud, Server, and Data Center - This article applies equally to all platforms. Step 3: Set up the condition like this: Change the field's value to Issue Type. Triggers will listen for events in Jira, such as when an issue is created or when a field value is changed. this is only available for some triggers. Seeaccesing multi-value fields, Added by: This is added any time an issue is added. {{issue.latest.description}} - Returns the status's description. Through the dot notation you can access fields like issue type, status and custom fields (details on how you can use these to interact with Jira's REST api arehere). Added by: Webhook TriggerThis allows access to data that was sent along with the incoming webhookThe body of the Webhook request. I found both of these smart values seemed to work: If neither of these work for you, there are a few other options in those linked questions you can try :), {{sprint.name}} returns only the sprint that started and which triggered this automation event. {{fieldChange}}only contains the first changed value. {{issue. And we have lots more automation templates and guides for you to use and learn from in the automation template library. Now whenever this field changes in Jira, this automation rule kicks in. @Daniel Ramotowski, more people seem to be interested in this functionality, as there was already a ticket open forhttps://jira.atlassian.com/browse/JIRAAUTOSERVER-212 ! Special conditions and actions are available to create powerful rules that can work across complex issue relationships. Used with: the Send web request action (Wait for response enabled). Can be combined with other date and time smart values. {{createdBranch.product}} - returns the product that the branch was created in (for example, Bitbucket). Learn about the concepts and procedures related to automation in Jira Cloud. 2 edit issue actions that need to 'add' to the value of a field instead of overwriting it). Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. [JSDCLOUD-10088] Insights Automation: Object smart value - Atlassian {{issue.timetracking.remainingestimate}} - Returns the value in the Time remaining field. I am glad to learn that helped you. Examples of how you can use smart values to manipulate and format dates in your Jira automation rules. Get answers to your question from experts in the community, Automation JQL condition: using smart values. Because this smart value deals with multiple items (i.e: issues can have many components), it can be used with the#symbol to apply the rule to each individual component. {{pullRequest.createdDate}} returns the time (UTC) when the pull request was created, e.g. Note that repository contains additional nested smart values. All of the issues found by the trigger are then treated as a single bundle of issues. Visit the marketplace to integrate your build or deployment tool with Jira Cloud. {{commit.hash}} returns the SHA1 hash of the commit, e.g.4877576951f3eda43625d3345058e702dad3df0d. For example, PROJ-123. Returns a list of issues from a JQL search caused bythe Lookup issues action. Accesses any issue property. TEST-123-some-feature, {{repository.url}} returns the absolute URL of the repository, e.g. Story points are integral for many agile teams. This is more than enough for the interfce to update the issue over API and when it is finished, my automation will jump in and continue. Approval required: accesses information when an issue that requires approval is created or updated, or when new approvers are added to an issue. For more information on when issues is available, see, Multiple comments on the active issue (this example is explained in detail in, Properties for versions include:name, description, archived, released, releaseDate, "Customer Request Type" in older instances of Jira. Possible states are production, staging, testing, development, and unknown, Used with: the Sprint created, Sprint started and Sprint completed triggers. Used to access the values in an issue'sFix Versionsfield. Learn more about using smart values with sections and lists. {{issue.assignee.displayName}} - Returns the issue's assignee. The status of a rule can be seen on its details screen. {{pullRequest.destinationBranch}} returns the name of the destination branch, e.g.master, {{pullRequest.destinationBranch.url}} returns the URL of the destination branch, e.g. Refers to the original issue that triggered the rule; used when you branch the chain. Join the Kudos program to earn points and save your progress. Jira smart values - development | Cloud automation Cloud | Atlassian Smart values in Jira automation | Cloud automation Cloud | Atlassian Exclusive to the Approval required trigger: {{approval.initiator}} - Returns account id of initiator of request. {{pullRequest.state}} returns the state the pull request is in - Open, Merged, or Declined. Accesses information fromJira Service Managementrequests. The spacing format is mentioned in the following article: Smart-value-in-published-article-doesn-t-work. In the example below, we have a custom field calledTeam Leader, and the value of thefield is currentlyAlana Grant. https://bitbucket.org/{7faf7dee-a29b-4faa-bbc2-d7128a6d3278}/{315a3ecb-1f18-4953-98ae-5890f93073b5}/addon/pipelines/home#!/results/7, {{build.state}} returns the state of the build. Create and configure Jira automation rules, Branch automation rules to perform actions on related issues, Issue data (Automation format) payload for Send Web Request, Issue data (Jira format) payload for Send Web Request action, Limitations in team-managed projects for automation rules, Permissions required for Jira Cloud automation rules, Test a Jira automation rule using the Manual trigger, Transfer Jira automation rules from one user to another, Differences between Automation in Jira Server and Jira Cloud, Examples of using math expression smart values, Examples of using smart values with dates, Examples of using smart values with lists, Examples of using smart values with text strings, Use Jira automation rules to modify issues, Convert wiki markup to HTML or plain text in Jira automation, Move an issue to another project using automation, Version created, Version updated, and Version released triggers. Learn about the concepts and procedures related to automation in Jira Cloud, Smart values allow you to access issue data within Jira. Your smart value must identify a specific attachment for this to work. The Atlassian Community can help you and your team get more value out of Atlassian products and practices. You can check this by navigating to the "Custom fields" page in theglobal admin section. Triggers: Triggers wait for defined events to take place in your Jira instance and will then execute the automation rule. In this template, we show you how to sum up the story points of all sub-tasks then update the parent issue with this value. Join now to unlock these features and more. {{createdBranches.name}} - returns the names of the branches, {{createdBranches.url}} - returns the URLs of the branches. View topic Examples of using math expression smart values Can be used with both Approval required and Approval completed triggers: {{approval.createdDate}} - Returns creation date of approval. {{webhookResponse.status}} - response code e.g. You can view the status of an automation rule to identify if the rule is currently active or not. Triggers can be set to run manually, based on a condition you set or scheduled. {{changelog.summary}} - Changelog information for theSummaryfield. General triggers include: Field value changed - when a field value is changed Form submitted - when forms attached to an issue are submitted {{issue.affectedServices.changeApprovers}} - Returns the account ID of all change approvers of the issue's services. Available anywhere smart values are supported, to access the value of a field that has changed. Find issues that have the same custom field date as trigger issue. Only one word but It changes the whole picture. They allow you to access and manipulate almost any data in Jira. Also provides the customer portal URL forJira Service Management requests. "sd.public.comment".internal}}, Best practices for optimizing automation rules, View performance insights for automation rules, Connect your automation rule to another tool. global admin section. {{issue.Request Type.requestType.name}} - Returns the customer request type. Using this branch component, we can move away from the main trunk of the rule and work on related issues. {{branch.repository}} returns information related to the repository the branch belongs to. All of the issues found by the trigger are then treated as a single bundle of issues. Note that repository contains additional nested smart values. Jira automation - Data Center and Server (Latest), Examples of using smart values with dates, Examples of using smart values with lists, Examples of using math expression smart values, Examples of using smart values with text strings. {{version.releaseDate}} - Returns the version's release date. What goes around comes around! Jira automation triggers | Automation for Jira Data Center - Atlassian For example, you can use the following smart values to send a Slack message that includes the issue key and issue summary: {{issue.key}} {{issue.summary}}. The{{#if }} statement does not seem to work :(, {{issue.issuetype.name}} | {{ #if( eq(issue.issuetype.name, "Task")) }} This is a task {{ / }}. [Custom Field].description}} - Returns the text displayed below the custom field viewed in the Simple Search column.
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