My MonteBenefits | Password. Resources also included infographics with emergency phone numbers, anticipated reactions to a pandemic, breathing exercises, coping skills, and food and child care resources, along with a mental health resource guide with information on internal and external mental health services. Contact Us. White Plains Hospital hiring Technical Director, Respiratory Therapy in As of June 11, 2020, infographics were accessed online via the Montefiore intranet approximately 180 times, and more than 200 printed copies were distributed to staff in person. =F?"Q!LgE\KbVpsGZ-MH! x3WOB&@b4MQ+3:vyqx72l_nwYa\mVQ-4pzB Xf:r59XM^n}^&?gyv:%a| m`M,eJP9J=qUl~k^we(~ vy}N7pjmVd/s/7xgZ"yw(%xRl%\}F;&Tc"$"A7mI$/|/z&D?@"rz.Gt";zPbh'8F"26g/0(+6hb~fS8_j)~@`=>#v~{&gv6UuRx~3|^w Montefiore Health System (MHS) is a multisite complex health care system located in NYC and surrounding counties, serving a diverse patient populationincluding communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Web-based resources were also developed and placed on the MMC internal website, which served as an institutional repository for timely and evolving COVID-related information (for example, infection control guidelines). OSHA found that employees, including nurses, assistants, technicians and security personnel, were exposed to workplace violence. Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection,,, Many staff were self-referred. View the citations. endstream endobj startxref With institutional encouragement and the collective efforts of more than 150 mental health professionals and other staff, it was possible to set up durable mental health supports with multiple points of access. Associate Wellness. See Job Openings Careers, Unable to load your collection due to an error. Anecdotally, we believe staff interested in faith-based supports sought those within communities familiar to them rather than through the workplace. Montefiore Health System (MHS) is a multisite complex health care system located in NYC and surrounding counties, serving a diverse patient populationincluding communities disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Team support and time frame were arranged for clinical units on request by local managers and clinical directors. 200 Lothrop Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-647-8762 800-533-8762 Staff Emotional Support at Montefiore Medical Center - ScienceDirect Login - SAP SuccessFactors Frontline staff received an e-mail with their allies contact numbers and information on the program. About Us . There were more than 32,000 visits from March to mid-June, with the Moses Center receiving 23,515 visits, and CHAM, Wakefield, and Weiler receiving 3,170, 2,422, and 3,354 visits, respectively. To address some of the additional unique challenges during the global pandemic, the Swift Montefiore Associate Response Team (SMART) was created on March 30, 2020, to provide rapid short-term telehealth psychotherapy and/or medication treatment (typically 212 sessions) targeted at COVID-19related distress, such as anxiety, depression, and grief among Montefiore staff. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. In addition to providing individual therapy, SMART-FAM parenting groups were also developed with a heavy emphasis on parent management training, mindfulness training, and acceptance and commitment therapybased self-compassion training. Montefiore expects to continue these plans indefinitely, but reserves the right to change, modify or terminate the Plans in whole or in part, at any time and for any reason. 0 Common themes included a sense of helplessness and inadequacy, loss of autonomy, guilt, moral injury, concern about adequacy of personal protective equipment (PPE) and other safety measures, problems related to sudden deployment to new areas, fears of infecting loved ones, and coping with one's own anxieties and losses while also caring for patients. Please utilize the following e-mails to contact the Benefits Department with your questions/issues: Reminder: To reach a member of the team, please contact ext. Although our phone lines, support centers, online resources, and SMART and SMART-FAM clinics were available to these staff, the lack of more direct outreach to this vulnerable population was an oversight we regret. Employee and Board Member Login | Montefiore Nyack <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 540 720] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Your bi-weekly contributions are deducted from your paycheck on a before-tax basis. Choose login below. 200 Lothrop Street . Details: WebMontefiore Health System is comprised of 10 member hospitals and more than 200 outpatient ambulatory care sites that provide coordinated, comprehensive care to montefiore intranet for employees Parental and Lactation Resources | The phone line was discontinued on June 19, with callers referred to MMC psychiatry outpatient services and employee assistance programs, as well as to a NYC mental health hotline (NYC Well). Although the calls appeared to be meaningful, the absolute number was consistently low even during the height of the pandemic, as well as when the census of COVID-positive patients declined, with fewer calls placed over the weekend. Duke University Continuously updated written materials were also provided to parents. Montefiore Medical Center Email Format | Emails endstream endobj 44 0 obj <> endobj 45 0 obj <> endobj 46 0 obj <>stream MNNZnM#+J)em J&U.5=L. I would not be able to get through the day without you. Staff | Montefiore St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital Montefiore Skilled Nursing Collaborative Request Medical Records Help for Health Republic Members In the Neighborhood Commitment to Quality Care and Patient Safety Manage Your Health Online Contact Montefiore Clinical Trials & Research Search Clinical Trials Home > Step 2: Policies & Procedures Step 2: Policies & Procedures National Library of Medicine Most of the people get along but at times it can get really bad among coworkers. nxL.]z&wGk{`O%-\Q>pE/br v7Q?\+xHkr}A|;`l7{ L]%-;&L/BFit h@{0`]sq`N}3MNWqvzmt Gg;axoX !{q#a>~X/%>YB#+8`1z9 "IxV Your health information, right at your fingertips. Decisions about the length, content, and format of sessions were often made by mental health clinicians in conjunction with discussion with unit leaders who had an appreciation for the needs of their teams as well as the clinical demands of their areas. 2020. The SSC consisted of a main entrance room and four additional smaller spaces, with couches, massage chairs, and computers. Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers. (3029), Childcare of Westchester Child care 914.761.3456, ext. 24/7 Access to Care Through our Virtual Visit Platform, Request an Appointment Senior Consultant/Project Manager. Graduate Medical Education; Patient Portal; Pay My Bill (845) 561-4400. Who is eligible for financial security benefits? Board Members: Forgot password? Patient Portal. Sessions were led by clinicians who also often provided mindfulness and breathing-based exercises. The site is secure. Refreshments were provided at all sites, including numerous donations of meals and snacks. <> Before sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal government site. Important Insurance Update. Battle buddies: rapid deployment of a psychological resilience intervention for healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. .h1 {font-family:'Merriweather';font-weight:700;} /*-->*/. The COVID-19 resource centre is hosted on Elsevier Connect, the company's public news and information website. .dol-alert-status-error .alert-status-container {display:inline;font-size:1.4em;color:#e31c3d;} A total of 134 mental health allies were assigned to approximately 2,556 staff in or deployed to frontline units (for example, ICUs, emergency departments, inpatient medicine, or labor and delivery). Free WiFi is a stand-alone patient-guest network and is separate from, and will not interfere with, the existing physician and nurse network. We believe this omission was likely related to the fact that outreach was guided by clinical leaders much more familiar with the clinical departmental staff than with the nonclinical departmental staff who are often unionized and served by employee assistance programs but not by comparable outreach during COVID-19. When such hazards exist, employers must develop and maintain an effective workplace violence prevention program. PDF Family Medical and Military Leaves of Absence Policy At Montefiore Einstein Cancer Center, we offer testing and staging services for all types of cancer. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the The CSCs at Weiler and Wakefield were also used for this purpose and were similarly equipped, although smaller. Montefiore Medical Center is an academic medical center and the primary teaching hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in the Bronx. %PDF-1.5 % To help answer any questions that you may have, we have created a direct Benefits & Wellness telephone and e-mail that you get your questions answered as quickly as possible. We apply our standard of excellence to all that we do, including Montefiore's Benefits & Wellness Programs.
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