This country and every country in North and South America, is born "under God," and under the mantle of Holy Mary, every nation and every person under her . Although He might have wrought our salvation alone, without inviting you to share in His work, He did not choose to do so. The part that you have played in the spread of the Church and in its struggles and triumphs, clearly shows the Divine Plan in your regard. Mary, Mother of God, you are so filled with compassion that you deserve to be called not only merciful but even mercy itself. You would have shown your grief as mothers do by sobs and tears. Mary, Mother of God, your dear parents, St. Joachim and St. Anne, rejoiced at your birth. King Solomon described your beauty: "Thou art all fair my beloved, beautiful as the moon, brilliant as the sun.". Your directions to the waiters: "Do whatever He tells you" (John 2, 5), show that you regarded your Son's answer as a striking sign of His special love for you. Our Lady of Perpetual Help - Catholic News Agency Mary, Mother of God, the miracle of the Marriage feast of Cana shows that you are the Mother of Divine Providence. The Holy Spirit would work in you the greatest work of His omnipotence, "The Holy Spirit shall come upon thee and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee." Mary, My Mother, at my baptism you gave me life at the moment when sanctifying grace was infused into my soul at the baptismal font. Intense love for the Infinite God withdrew your soul from this earthly life, and caused you death. It died that we might never die, that It might nourish us unto eternal life. The effects of the presence of Jesus and you are still the same. Your Heart was also a suffering Heart. The gift that God conferred upon you when He chose you to be the Mother of His Divine Son, and the grace that was in proportion to that gift, are beyond the understanding of men and even angels. According to earthly standards, nothing could be added to your fullness of grace. Not all the affection you pour out upon countless other souls lessens your love for me. 2. 3. It was His will that you dispense mercy by helping sinners, healing the sick, relieving the distressed and comforting the sorrowful everywhere. In union with you may my heart yield itself up to childlike confidence in Jesus so that the graces of His Nativity may be brought to my soul in abundance, and He may be born anew within my heart. God has willed that by your intercession we should obtain the graces Jesus has merited for us. 2. Our Lady of Sorrows: Compassion Unlimited - Indian Catholic Matters You are blessed because of the fullness of grace you received; blessed, because of the greatness of the mercy to be bestowed on you; blessed, because of the Majesty of the Person who was to take flesh of you; blessed, because of the glory which would become yours. You treasured up all the words spoken by the holy angels concerning your divine Son, as well as those pronounced by the prophetess Anna and by holy Simeon when you presented your Son in the temple, and you prudently pondered them in your heart. I am most grateful for such devoted love and sympathy. How earnestly you wish God's grace for us! Never were you guilty of the least fault; never did you offer the least resistance to grace. Help me to imitate your virtues that I may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Our Lady of Compassion Our Lady of Compassion (Nuestra Senora de la Piedad) The convent of Our Lady of La Piedad dates back to the year 1595. Through your hands I offer myself with Jesus during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. From your own flesh and blood you formed the body of your Son. All these souls were given to you by Jesus on the crossthey are your children. Because of your dignity, you reach to the borders of the divine. You had to become the Mother of Sorrows before you were raised above the angels as Heaven's Queen. The holy old man Simeon took your Son in his arms. How can I ever imagine the emotions of longing and most eager expectation of the Birth of the Divine Child! In the . 1. Daily Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Devotion to Our Lady Teach me to utter your name with deep respect because, after the name of Jesus, it is most sacred and revered above all others. This introduction into the new home in which you were to live was your official marriage ceremony. Mary, My Mother, you and good St. Joseph were married to become the models of family life. Being the new Eve who was to be the Mother of the new Adam you were, by the eternal decree of God and by the merits of Christ, withdrawn from the general law of original sin. As your true and lawful spouse, Saint Joseph was meant by God to have the privilege of exercising as his right, in virtue of his virginal marriage, the parental office in regard to your Child. The Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Feast Day of Our Lady of Guadalupe celebrates 491 years Robin Bradshaw , Hearst Dec. 12, 2022 Comments This is an image of a Spanish Baroque altar located inside of the Monastery of Santo. I have but to ask for them for the salvation of my soul. You were not bound by the Law, because you were a virgin as well as a mother. This was your spiritual Motherhood. Interestingly, in 1482, the feast was officially placed in the Roman Missal under the title of "Our Lady of Compassion," highlighting the great love our Blessed Mother displayed in suffering with her Son. Mary, My Mother, in the mystery of the Visitation, you began your high office of bringing Jesus into the souls of men. But because of my sinfulness, I also have need of an intercessor with Him. Mary, Mother of God, your greatness began at the first instant of your existence with the privilege of your Immaculate Conception. Through your all powerful prayers, obtain for me not only God's forgiveness, but also the grace to amend my life and to save my soul. You will be inspired by the overflow of love for Our Lady. In all your deeds you showed the fruits of the Divine Wisdom which had made you the dwelling-place of God. Queen of the Holy Rosary, in times past, when the enemies of the Church sought to break its unity, you came to the aid of your suffering children. Give strength and courage to those who work for the salvation of souls as apostles of our own time so that following the example of the divine Missionary, Jesus Christ, they may labor zealously for the spread of God's Kingdom. This gift of Your Heart entitles you to be called the Mother of the Holy Eucharist. In order to free yourself from legal uncleanness and to give us an example of obedience to God's law, you submitted to the ceremony of the purification and made the offering demanded of the poortwo pigeons or turtledoves. Mary, Mother of God, in your own lifetime you showed that you are truly our Mother of Perpetual Help. 1. 3. Mary, My Mother, as the Immaculate Conception, you are the Woman who appeared as the mortal enemy of the serpent. Help me to esteem the light of my reason as a sharing in the divine wisdom, especially when I try to follow the teaching of the Gospel. 12, 1). The words of the prophet are applied to you: "O all you that pass by the way, attend, and see if there be sorrow like unto my sorrow.". Grace comes to us from Jesus and reaches us through you. You are truly the "Queen of Peace.". I am your merciful mother, the merciful mother of all of you who live united in . How well your name gives expression to your position and your mission in lifeyour divine Motherhood In virtue of this privilege, you reflect as a spotless mirror the eternal Light of the Word, which is first poured into you and illuminates you. Help me to overcome the enemies of my salvation and to persevere to the end in the friendship of God. Whatever of sanctity, of dignity, of merit, of grace and of glory, that we can imagine, all is in you. Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows - September 15, 2022 - Liturgical He was with you not only by His essence, His presence, and His power, as He is with all His creatures. No one could have had a closer approach to God than you, for it is impossible for any creature to be closer to God's Son than His own Mother. It was an answer which had scarcely fallen from your lips, before It drew the only-begotten Son of God from the bosom of His Eternal Father, to become Man in your most pure womb! Feast, Saturday after the Feast of the Ascension (Triduum, Wednesday before the Feast of the Ascension). You are Queen because you are the Mother of the Word Incarnate. Through your prayers all graces have come to the apostle and to the souls converted or sanctified. Though it is impossible for me to form any idea of the thoughts that flooded your mind and heart, I beg you to give me at least a spark of that fervor of divine love that burned in your soul. Mary, My Mother, you are mother in a higher degree because of the kind of life which you have imparted to me. Mary, My Mother, the beloved disciple, St. John, tells us that "a great sign appeared in heaven: "a Woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars" (Apoc. 10/7/2009 (1 decade ago) Published in Living Faith. You "found grace with God" to restore salvation to all men. He works in my soul by His grace. Mary, Mother of God, you are the Mother of Perpetual Help because of the graces you have at your disposal. . Amen. Feast, Saturday after the Feast of St. Augustine (Aug. 28) (Triduum, Wednesday nearest the feast of St. You died of no infirmity. How many sinners after losing hope have found refuge in you, and, under your protection, returned to God's grace! After the Ascension you found the past under another form; the consecrated Bread the Apostle John placed on your lips was Jesus, who was formed from your own flesh and with whom your body was again united. You were fully enlightened as to the greatness of the dignity of a Mother of God. Mary, My Mother, you always lived under the divine influence of the Holy Spirit and in the closest possible union with Him. 3. Teach me to understand that personal consecration to you does not mean only to place myself under your special protection, but rather to live for God in union with you by avoiding every sin and practising virtue. For vain joys or small profits people sacrifice much. This Body, given to us at Christmas and immolated on Good Friday, was flesh of your flesh, bone of your bone. I cannot even imagine the heavenly beauty that adorned your innocent soul as you were being prepared by the Eternal Father to be the Mother of His Divine Son and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. Mary, My Mother, your divine maternity is such a sublime privilege that no creature, not even you yourself, can understand it fully. Virgin of Vladimir - Wikipedia Censor, IMPRIMATUR John Mark Gannon, D.D., Archbishop, Bishop of Erie. I entrust to you all my anxieties and needs so that through the merits of your sorrows I may bear the trials and sufferings of life with the same love and resignation to God's Will with which you bore yours. En life's dark hours you always remembered that you were God's handmaid, and you always wanted everything to be done according to His holy Will. Within your humble home in the little town of Nazareth, the Holy Spirit willed to perform a miracle that was the masterpiece of infinite powerthe Incarnation of the Son of God. When He had finished the work of our Redemption by His labors, suffering and death, the Eternal Word, clothed in our nature, entered into His glory and was seated on the right hand of the Eternal Father. Mary, My Mother, the day of your Assumption was the great day of your triumph. I look to you, Mother of Mercy. He is your child and you are His Mother. You are the most beautiful of creatures, the one in whom there is no spot, God's masterpiece. Through your prayers and dignity the power and the fruits of the Passion of Jesus are applied to men No intercession, neither yours nor that of any saint, is of value except through Him, through His blessed wounds. I consecrate to you my very being and my whole life: all that I have, all that I love, all that I am. For if I have any ability, any worth or goodness, the glory is not mine, but God's. The Archangel Gabriel expressed this very clearly: "Hail, full of grace"there was no room left for sin; "the Lord is with thee"where God dwells, Satan can have no rights; "blessed art thou among women"you were elevated above all other women in the world. Your soul contained all the marvels of God's grace, for which reason the Church calls you the Singular Vessel of Devotion. It was a life of closest union with Jesusa union of body as well as of soul. Our Lady of Perpetual Help Feast day: June 27 Patroness of the Republic of Haiti and Almoradi, Spain Our Lady of Perpetual Help, also known as Our Lady of Perpetual Succour and Our Mother of Perpetual Help is the title given to a 15th-century icon that originated in the Keras Kardiotissas Monastery and has been in Rome since 1499. 3. Mary, My Mother, you stand in the presence of your Son, interceding for sinners. No creature in the world has been more exalted than you, because no creature in the world has ever humbled himself more. Your Heart was also a pure Heart, pure as the light, purer than the snow, free from the stain of original sin, from the least taint of actual sin, from the least evil tendency of our fallen naturea heart full of light and beauty reflecting to the full the radiance of the Sacred Heart of your Divine Son. Keep my soul in good health so that when my body fails, my soul may be prepared to meet its Maker and Judge. To single nations, to private families, to individual persons, you have always provided help, given solace and rekindled hope, especially when they turned to you with Rosary in hand. The husband whom God has destined for you was a man of faith of character, of purity, "a just man." When the Angel Gabriel came as a messenger from God, it was not only to ask your consent to become the Mother of the Son of God, but also to treat with you of the salvation of the human race, of the birth of the Savior of the world, of the regeneration of mankind and the setting up of an everlasting kingdom. We do not attribute to you the power of producing supernatural grace, even though you are the Mother of God, for this power belongs to God alone. It was fitting that you, a Virgin Mother, should conceive the Man Who was also the Son of God. You are a human creature, but free from even the slightest sin or guilt, and absolutely pure by reason of the singular excellence of your nature. Though you did not know the meaning of the archangel's inspired words, you serenely submitted to the will of God. It is under the mantle of humility that you will protect me. Mary, Mother of God, at Pentecost you were with the Apostles, preparing for the Holy Spirit the promised Gift of your Son. You know all our needsneeds of body and needs of soulinfinitely better than a mother. Be pleased to intercede with Jesus, your Son, for Christian families. I can picture you alone with your God, following with devotion the life led in common by the virgins of God's house. At the very beginning of His public ministry, you observed the hatred and jealousy of His enemies and the false accusations which would bring about His death. At the same time your name brings before me your virtues, your merits, your beauty. If to live of the Eucharist and by the Eucharist was the very special spirit of the early Church"And they continued steadfastly in the communion of the breaking of the bread" (Acts 2, 42)it must have been the summary of your last years on earth. Liturgical feast Our Lady of Compassion. ", Feast, November 21 (Novena, November 12-20).
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