I have lived in many places. Sirius As a body, Osiris represents the social body of a cultural group. How about having Jupiter Rx in Leo at 0 degrees in 7th House? Mars Conjunct Descendant Synastry Mars aspects in synastry indicate strong physical attraction, desire, motivation, and enthusiasm. Its interesting to say the least. A person who has Mars conjunct descendant needs to make place for this energy and express passion in how they interact with others, otherwise they make attract angry people with negative characteristics of Mars into their life. I do agree with Neptune and Uranus in your MC. I guess the placement at the Nadir can be blamed for that, it remains rather hidden, and maybe the opposition influences things in that direction too. [1], George W. Bush 026, Frida Kahlo 034 (and Neptune), Leona Helmsley 053 (and Venus), Sylvester Stallone 055, James VI and I 115, Moon conjunct Sirius: Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business. Interestingly when Pluto opposed my MC I had to deal with a former mentor attacking me at work because she felt like I rose too far too fast and resented me for it. In Egypt it(Sirius) was Sothis, and is depicted with Jupiter in the Dendera Zodiac, as Jupiter was conjunct Sirius during the solar eclipse of 51 BC, the day that Cleopatras father died. The day Cleopatras father died, interests me. please keep going with your articles as it reveals so many triggers and knowing within when one stumbles over truth being revealed. my chiron is 14 degrees cancer. Anonymous from the year 379, translation by Giuseppe Bezza from CCAG V/1 pp. Yes, the calling for people with Neptune in MC is to find something that is authentic (right for their soul), even if the path maybe hard, uncertain, challenging to make a living off it. Great aricle, I have pluto in 4th house and in conjuction with IC but also Saturn in 6th house in conjuction with Desc. I m virgo rising, and have pluto conjunct mars conjunct ac and moon conjunct mc in gemini. Sirius was worshipped in many cultures; its heliacal rising signaled the peak of summer, the annual flooding of the Nile and the beginning of the ancient Egyptian calendar . Shocking companions. By tradition, only conjunctions to fixed stars (and sometimes oppositions) should be read. Sirius tempts its people by offering a liberal wound culture that 1) locates social identity only within the wound and 2) sees the individuals story as representative of the whole. Sirius in the first house in cancer, with Pluto trine, a square with lilith, conjunction with mars, opposition with saturn and neptune thank you . Its probable there was a parent who was hard to deal with either from mental illness, eccentricity or mania of some sort. With Uranus and Neotune sits on MC, I have a hard time to find career which suits me best. Im trying to work out a better manifestation of it since its clearly influential. Click here for info. But I think it is more likely that the planets act as conduits for energy emanating from the stars. If linked to Pluto then even a genetic disorder. This start's off as a highly fated feeling , mysterious connection. Person will have a sense of destiny or purpose that is counter to the times one lives in. Dogs are seen as a companion species of those who are fated to wander the world, attached to nothing. Sirius people are people who often fit in neither with their biological family nor their chosen family. 1. The massive single crystal of Iron in the earths core is an excellent conductor of the ever-changing mix of energies from the stars via the planets. All I can suggest is read the description for Moon with Sirius and make it a bit darker. Sensible, merciful and generally dont die a good death. My second older sis has Pluto conjunct IC. Saturn is about exodus and genealogy. The promise that the USA holdsthat its a place where dark sheeps from all walks of life come togetheris a Sirius narrative. Tank you for your job, i apreciate. Hello Astromanda,I have Saturn conjunct DC in Aries,Neptune conjunct IC in Capri,oppositing Cancer MC.Indeed I often attract satunian people or feel isolated in sociaty.By the way,how to understand the Neptune conjunct IC aspect?Am I deeply sensitive and fantastic?Is it a challenging matter in career? Sirius people live in the inbetweens. What does this mean? Its a spectacular star and anyone who has personal aspects to Sirius has a magical ability to remix and reimagine history. ohhh about the metal.. i recieve msgs about the metal a while ago hehe cool.. thanks . As one gets older, pluto in asc.people get a better handle of how others react to them. Venus-Mars delineations for all Scorpio Venus and Mars combos. So for best results have a PURE UNSELFISH intention /effort rather than a selfish one or the result could get you burned. AC aries. If the conjunction is really tight, the person could be a poster child for the planet, and they project the energy of the conjunct planet in a very direct manner. This will be useful when I come to update these fixed stars posts. Affinity: This chart will show your conjunctions indicating affinity. But the Lunar nodes are a complete mystery to me so far. This impulse can make people feel as if they dont deserve to exist because they havent suffered enough or like they must make the ultimate sacrifice to deserve existence in an oppressive world. b- ceres conj ic, ac conj ceres. [1], Pluto conjunct Sirius: Marilyn Monroe 020, Elizabeth II 021, Hugh Hefner 026, Jimmy Carter 029, Lorraine Warren 115, Linda Goodman 135, George H. W. Bush 140, Margaret Thatcher 141, Bob Dole 149 (and Venus), Che Guevara 218, North Node conjunct Sirius: Prince William of Cambridge 029, Priyanka Chopra 107 (and Mercury), Brad Pitt 225, Adolf Hitler 232, South Node conjunct Sirius: Woody Allen 001, Leonardo da Vinci 022, John F. Kennedy 141. Chiron there is a bit weird and suggests some karmic pain linked to the family or ancestors. However, Sirius isnt really about perpetual alienation. [2], Sirius marks immense creative talents in any field at all with only the warning that there may be more inner power than can be safely managed. Uranus clearly influences my chart. [7], Cat Stevens 031, Boris Johnson 042, Tony Abbott 134, Descendant conjunct Sirius: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities; bountiful resources; well known or feared in cities and regions. Mars-Sirius people struggle to be themselves because their environment punishes them for taking on the exceptional role. That is quite true. I dont like it when the workplace suffocate me with rules (to hell Uranus! The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.149. Wow, good question Lawrence. Tx for the article . Whether it is challenging or smooth sailing could depend on other factors, Captcha * Do you know the date of that eclipse? I hold my heart for whats about to come.. Luckily the turbulence has blown over now, but it was very difficult to deal with at the time. ), always got into arguments with my boss and absolutely hate it when theres injuctice. Nice, do you think it is as beneficial as we would expect? I always considered this aspect to be troublesome mentally and associated with psychological problems as well as the deceiver? They are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves. I dont think so Lakota. This square definitely dominates my chart & the way my life has been shaped to date, but i think its the Neptune rather than the Moon energy that is strongest. My venus is in 4th house in Gemini (Mercur, I have a perfect yod with Neptune in Libra, Pluto in Leo and the North Node, Hi. [3] Jamie, what about opposition to Sirius? It is about simulated memories. Venus and Mars are about the normal and the abnormal. Aries is a sign that's all about the self, and they're going to look for someone who is all about people other than themselves. And how can I look this up reliably, thanks! It could also mean that you partnerships, intimate and business, are very successful. But if a transiting planet were on Sirius, it would affect how you experience that square to your Moon. Fixed Star Charts & Reports. Would love to hear your thoughts? I also have Mercury (12th house) conjunct AC very widely 10 orbs, but I can still feel it, maybe because my chart ruler, Venus (1st house) is in Gemini and is mutual reception to Mercury. Maybe there is no family issues but instead in your latter years you get involved with some kind of healing field of work in which you have an opportunity to be well known for either among your family or community, or status. Prosperity from youth and in own city. It could be that you are projecting your need for independence by choosing partners that reflect this attitude. But then Saturn is in a tight trine with my Sun conjunct Mercury H5. When is the heliacal rising of Sirius? I was born with a 6 planet stellium libra in 9th house. From Astro.com: COURIC: In the night. As always some people will like you for it while others (more Saturnian kind) may get threatened. Planets conjunct Descendant: Planets close to the descendant shows how we interact with others and what kind of energy is received in these interactions. If a malefic be with Scheat, death by fiery cutting weapons or from beasts. If the same Saturn is conjunct the descendant, then the person may want safety, security, permanence, etc,, in their relationships, or/and they attract people who express the Saturn energy. And what would Mercury square Neptune signify to you? Drop out of school a few times, but w persistence and help from family, get graduate degree.) So, how can I relate to Sirius conj my Jupiter in a different way? I hope you remember to come back with an update when your potential is realized. Performing these roles makes Venus-Sirius people feel like theyre alienated from themselves. Composite Venus Conjunct Descendant Truth In Aspect Astrology/ Jewel 49.2K subscribers Subscribe 216 9.1K views 5 years ago What we see when Venus is conjunct the composite (or Davison chart). Again, it is important to remember that Sirius wants you to realign yourself with people. Idk what it means but all Ive been feeling is torment, hello. With someone's ascendant conjunct the other person's ascendant, the ascendant can fall into the seventh house of the descendant person. It refers to our partners and relationships since it represents that part of our identity we don't fully recognize but project on others. Only conjunctions are used in fixed stars astrology. Planets conjunct Midheaven (MC) : MC is the area that shows what one puts out to the world in terms of accomplishment, career, success, etc. I have just read your article on Sirius Star-Sparkling, and it is fascinating. There is some danger from, or fear of, darkness and the night, and liability to dog bites, though the latter characteristic is probably associated more particularly with Sirius. Saturn-Sirius issues can be around actual exodus or migrancy. Then got extremely anxious in my youth and now as a adolescent the feeling returns. The Descendant in Astrology is located in the cusp of the 7th house in our natal chart and is the opposite point of the Ascendant. If your Uranus was retrograde, then most of the trend setting views are internal but otherwise people see you as someone who is not afraid to be different. Vanessa, it is true that conjunction is not the only aspect that are important with angles Any close aspect to the angle play an important role in life. Its the story that the kid who everyone in the ethnic community ostracized goes on to do bigger and better things than all the rest of them and becomes a representative of the ethnic minority. A great website you made. The ancient Egyptian calendar was based on lunar cycles of around 30 days and on the helical rising of the fixed star Sirius. Just wanted to clarify that Sir does not come from Sirius as stated in this article but from Sire ultimately derived from the latin for Senior. Mercury-Sirius people look for memories because theyre looking for truth. They find it hard to find home with other foreigners. Youve caught the same bug as me. I cant wait to spread my message for a wider audience and radiate as much love as Im capable of. I am prone to forceful outbursts. Uranus (10th house) and Neptune (9th house) conjunct my MC, opposite Moon (3rd house) conjunct IC. Don't subscribe A planet located on an ascendant has a different kind of influence than a planet located on the descendant, because they have a different purpose. It sees itself as a shelter for those who have been estranged from the rest of the world. DO YOU THINK THEY PLAY A PROMINENT ROLE IN YOUR LIFE? In the period of time when Osiris is split open, time doesnt exist. This is the place where you are asked to look into the mirror. absolutely love your work and the comments being left on here. with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter & Mars The extraordinary features in Sirius are also easy-to-use. This may be more so if the person rejects the 7th house energy and less of an issue if the person embraces it. Hello Jamie. Now the scientists say that prodding one subatomic particle will affect another linked one over vast distances faster than the speed of light. Have a good day !. I have a stellium that seems to make it difficult to get a good reading (maybe because its like, how do you blend all that to interpret it together?). But I like to spend a lot of time at home and work at home in a home office. People undergoing troubles in far distant places almost feel like family. Ok! You will love him or hate him, but you WON"T miss him. So if you really want an Could Rising mean positioned at the beginning of the orb, and Culminating mean towards the end of the orb, sort of like a cusp at the beginning and end of the orb? Wow, when good transits go bad, christ. You may feel either an inner wounding from such which you may hide or it may take many years to realize a buried wounding within you.either way chiron being the wounded healer, may have picked you out of your family & assigned you the task of bringing the issue out into consciousness for healing for the family. 41 people love it! So check to see if there is anything that needs fixing in this area. I am eventually going to add celebrities to these pages for each planet and AC, MC. I heard alot about how Moon square Ascendant would give people cold appearance, but the thing is I also have Moon parallel Ascendant with very tight orb, 0.3 degrees. I have researched the matter a bit because I see it in other interpretations as well. The most potent angles are, in decreasing order, the MC (Midheaven, or the 10th house cusp), the ASC (Ascendant, or the 1st house cusp), the IC (Imum Coeli, or the 4th house cusp), and the DC (Descendant, or the 7th house cusp). I was almost the eighth [of January]. Marie Curie 013 (and Uranus), Gwen Stefani 032 (and Moon), Joaqun El Chapo Guzmn 114, Elizabeth I 135, Nicholas Culpeper 136, Sirhan Sirhan 207, Novak Djokovic 210, Ted Kennedy 220, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex 230. And the hottest part of the year we still call the dog days, though, through the variation as observed in different latitudes, and the precession of the equinoxes, its rising has long ceased to have any relation to those days. I have Uranus onjunct my IC as well and well, yes, your not the boss of my is something thats practically written across my forehead; people kind of feel that energy from me. So I guess, according to your interpretation, I derive a lot of my strength and motivation from inside. Isolationism is something that haunts Sirius people, whether it manifests in exceptionalism or marginalization or both. Aries Rising/Libra Descendant. Sirius people are people who often fit in neither with their biological family nor their chosen family. I have Sirius in 4. My Sag Moon, by the way, falls halfway between the Venus/Neptune Quintile. If Saturn be with the Moon, death by wild beasts or soldiers. I have a ascendant in Sagittarius conjunct Jupiter in 1st house and Pluto in 12th house 0 (both in retrograde) and IC in Pisces conjunct Venus and Saturn both in 4th house. So maybe there is a burning issue that lies at the root of a family problem or has been inherited. Sirius is not an utopian starits not a future oriented star. I advise professional counsel. May I ask Jamie, how about professed Sun @ 13 degrees Cancer about to conjunct Sirius over next few years in Natal 11th House? They gather people, resources, and connections to build something that gets bigger and bigger over a huge amount of time. Funny. I have this placement and personal freedom is of utmost importance to me. It is very good for gardening and widows. We dont like it when our parents fought, always pick up the emotions surrounding us and will get very upset if we caught negative emotions in the air. Hence my interest in how strong an influence these other aspects generally have. Sun and Mercury conjunct the Nadir and have never had a stable or healthy home environment or any healthy family or support, constant external challenges and chaos in that area. Asc @ 9 libra + stellium 1stH. I appreciate your great information! yeah, Saturn can offer resistance to the Uranus Pluto energy but the If Saturn be with the Moon, death by wild beasts or soldiers. Homer called it Orions dog, east Asians called it the celestial wolf, and indigenous Americans called it Moon Dog or coyote. Canopus I dont have a strong family bond. Now i am in training to be a psychoanalyst and i hope this is a good way to express all this energy. Hello, Sierra. Am I Mars with its hidden energy in 12th, or Venus showing up so close to the Mid-heaven? 194-211. She also had Pluto conjunct Part of Fortune transit when she shot to fame. So planets in the Nadir play a big role in developing the internal emotional strength of the person. Hi, interesting stuff Have Jupiter (1st) sun, mercury + uranus (exact conj to each other) in close conjuction to asc on what I hear is the more powerful side of a con this case the 12th house), with pluto conj mercury and uranus, but not asc.
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